Updated on August 5, 2009.
Last updated on August 6, 2009.
This message had its first half originally posted on Michael Prescott's
Any addition to what was originally posted on the afore mentioned
blog will be highlighted
in this color, bold
Relevant Links to
this discussion:
Sebastian Dieguez's review of Irreducible Mind.
This Link.
Michael Prescott's blog, discussing Dieguez's review.
Jime Sayaka's blog discussing Dieguez's review. This
Link and This
Sebastian Dieguez's blog, starting with the discussion
of this issue. This
My Own (Julio Siqueira's) critical
review of Irreducible Mind. This Link.
My Own further critical reflections on it (stimulated
by Jime). This Link.
Irreducible Skepticism – a Critique of Sebastian Dieguez’s Review
of the Book “Irreducible Mind.”
This is a reply to Sebastian Dieguez’s review as published in
the Skeptic Magazine (
this link). Before
going to the points that I want to highlight, I would like to say that,
as I feel, Sebastian was driven, from the bottom of his heart, by justified
bitter feelings. Similarly, his main complaints about
Mind (IM) do have a kernel of legitimacy. However, in my view, he
strayed far far away from justifiability and from legitimacy in the actual
way that he wrote his review. And he further worsened things afterwards
in his reply to critics. In my humble opinion, I think his mistakes and
the reasons behind his mistakes are of deep concern to all of us (he included),
and, in the end, it may be (may be) that we all share a part in the guilt
for such things. May it be that, in the not far far away future, we will
be able to live in a world where being an atheist-materialist will not
be a sin, and being a spiritualist will not be a stupidity. For it is my
sincere belief that, right now, it is *
not* a sin to be an atheist
materialist, and it is *
not* stupidity to be a spiritualist. So,
if this truth is really the Truth, let the Truth be Known. But, going
past stupid poetry…
let me begin:
Sebastian said:
“two major problems with current views of what the mind is and
how it works… …First of all--and this is the implicit reproach addressed
to "mainstream" cognitive psychologists, philosophers of mind and neuroscientists
(all treated as an undifferentiated package sharing a similar worldview,
namely materialism)--we just do not have a full and satisfactory physicalist
explanation of how the brain generates the mind. The second problem, constituting
the raison d'etre of this lengthy volume, is that what the authors portray
as establishment science has along the years consistently and purposefully
blinded itself to a body of evidence that flatly contradicts its most cherished
tenets, and as a consequence, it has narrowed its scope to the least significant
aspects of human experience.”
My Comment:
I do not really feel that the authors treat their opponents as
an *
undifferentiated* bunch. Also, I do not feel that they consider
that mainstream science has limited itself to dealing with the *
significant aspects of human experience.
Sebastian said:
“the book is painstakingly redundant, astoundingly arrogant in
its claims and intents, utterly humorless, contains no figures, boxes
or tables whatsoever, and what's more, is unaffordable to its targeted
My Comment:
This above is something readers may have different reactions to.
I did not feel the authors as being arrogant. As to humor, this was the
complaint that struck me the most. It reminds me that a great amount of
the “skeptic’s stuff” (articles, debunking, etc) is filled with “humor.”
Recently I watched the video “Breaking the Spell” featuring Daniel Dennett
preceded by an introduction by Michael Shermer, live to an audience of
some few tens of scientists in California, if my memory serves me well.
Well, the introduction by Shermer was so “funny” (not to me…) that people
kept laughing during most of Dennett’s speech, even though Dennett was *
trying to be funny. So perhaps it is time the skeptic movement started
reevaluating its use of… “humor.” And, similarly, its negative views towards
“humorless works.”
Sebastian said:
“However, the originality of IM lies in drawing attention to what
the authors themselves call ‘rogue phenomena,’ which they think are
inherently incompatible with current materialistic views of the mind.”
My Comment:
Sebastian asked to one of his critics if he (Sebastian) was not
supposed to be qualified to review IM. Well, I think Sebastian IS qualified.
And his feedbacks could have been highly informative in many instances.
This above is one of such. He could have pointed out how some of the
phenomena described in the book might be accommodated within the framework
of existing scientific paradigms and bodies of knowledge.
Sebastian said:
“I have an abridged version of this book on my pseudoscience shelf,
but I confess that until now I never differentiated it from other pompous
and boring compendia of weird anecdotes, ghost stories and wacky theories
from the turn of the century. Apparently I was unfair: Myers seems in
a different league. For one thing, he was among the first to have theorized
about what would be later known as ‘the unconscious.’ However, the reason
Myers is now forgotten in non-occult circles is that Human Personality
is replete with ghost stories and mediums of all sorts, which understandably
has obscured the few interesting insights that could have been found
in there.”
My Comment:
Later on (in Michael Prescott’s blog), Sebastian said that he
sort of lied in this passage above, and that actually he knew a lot about
Myers (skeptic readers might ask themselves if Sebastian kept lying in
his second assertion, or if he was lying merely in his assertion number
1 or number 2, since he had already acknowledged having lied before; but,
providentially, he was posting this in the nest of believers, so no one
would doubt his words…
). I must say that I still have my “doubts” as to what really
Sebastian knows about Myers. That is, I think it is strange that he seems
not to have noticed that Myers had glimpses of the idea of the unconscious.
And if Sebastian had noticed that, I think it is strange that he would
pretend that he hadn’t. My impression (and I may be wrong) is that Sebastian
did read some things from Myers but did not notice that the man had glimpses
of the unconscious. This is suggestive of weaknesses in Sebastian’s
capacity to spot relevant information. But, I may be wrong.
Sebastian said:
“Accordingly, the reader is warned from the onset that the reality
of paranormal phenomena (psi) is taken for granted in IM. For those not
convinced, Kelly, et al. direct you to the references listed in the appendix,
where all the evidence can be found.”
My Comment:
I made a similar complaint against Braude’s “
Immortal Remains.”
I think the authors should have discussed this issue a little,
in perhaps forty or fifty pages. But then again, check out the comment
Sebastian said:
…“really translates as ‘we realize that what we just wrote sounds
crazy, but there are some books that say it's true, and we chose to
believe them.’ ”
My Comment:
I really think it is not that they *
chose* to *
Instead they were *
scientifically convinced* by the *
That is what happened to me. And that is what I think happened to them
as well. And I am sure Sebastian is not aware of this data. If he were,
he would end up being either, 1, a “believer” (that is, a true scientist
that accepted the phenomenon); 2, well informed but unconvinced and highly
qualified to engage in rich exchange of viewpoints with those already convinced.
If Sebastian ends up becoming 2, it will be an enormous gain to us all.
Sebastian said:
“The ‘full range of human experience’ is displayed across nine
chapters, each more than 100 pages long, that ramble on the limits of
‘conventional’ neuroscience, while claiming that a wide array of loosely
associated phenomena are simply incompatible with the idea that the brain
is the seat of the mind in any conventional sense. These phenomena include
placebo effects, stigmata, sudden graying of the hair, reincarnation, maternal
impressions, hypnotic suggestions, distant healing, creative genius, multiple
personalities, meditation, mystical experiences, near-death experiences
(NDEs), out-of-body experiences (OBEs), supernormal motor automatisms,
apparitions, calculating prodigies, and so forth. Parts of the book deal
unashamedly, and approvingly, with mediumship and levitation, always with
a perfectly straight face. The general strategy is to proceed from rather
commonplace, if sometimes intriguing phenomena, onto the really wild stuff,
pretending that established facts, unresolved questions and plain crackpottery
were somehow all part of the same continuum of legitimate scientific interest.
My Comment:
Let’s go by parts. First, “nine chapters, each more than 100 pages
Chapter 1- 44 pages
Chapter 2- 67 pages
Chapter 3- 119 pages
Chapter 4- 58 pages
Chapter 5- 62 pages
Chapter 6- 54 pages
Chapter 7- 69 pages
Chapter 8- 78 pages
Chapter 9- 62 pages
Should I be asking for a refund from www.amazon.com due to pages-missing?
Did Sebastian come to the “each more than 100 pages long” figure by dividing
800 by 9 and finding the result 105? Was he, once more, merely “sort
of lying”?
Anyway, questionable sarcasm appart,
that point is a rather sensitive one. This is the kind of mistake that
may discredit to a great extent what an author (in this case, Sebastian)
is trying to convey. Just like Csicop physicist Victor Stenger got discredited
(or should have...) by citing an article that had half of its tables summing
up more than 100% (this
Still regarding the last paragraph from Sebastian, I would like
to focus on two phrases: 1- “Parts of the book deal unashamedly, and
approvingly, with mediumship and levitation, always with a perfectly straight
face.” There seems indeed to be very interesting evidence coming
from mediumship, especially - but not only - from Mrs. Piper. No one should
be ashamed of talking about these matters if one is well informed. But…
I confess that here it is *
my claim* that there is good evidence
coming from mediumship. However, if *
Sebastian* claims the authors
should be ashamed and all of mediumship is just crackpottery, he’d
better know deeply what his is talking about. And it seems, with all due
respect, that Sebastian doesn’t. And the second phrase: 2- “ unresolved
questions and plain crackpottery were somehow all part of the same continuum
of legitimate scientific interest.” What I think, in regards to these authors,
is that they are very meticulous and careful. I do not believe they would
support crackpottery. But the only way to know for sure is to analyze
very carefully the evidence. One instance where I did such careful analysis
can be found in the link below:
I am sure Sebastian will find it interesting. Not only did I spot
mistakes (serious ones) from the believers. I spotted serious mistakes
from the skeptics too. That seems to be the rule.
Sebastian said:
“Note here that NDEs are not said to occur during a fiat EEG,
but merely under general brain states that are somehow deemed unable
to underlie mental states or at least to allow their recall. It strikes
me as an interesting use of logic to say that since a disordered brain
cannot generate experiences of tunnels and lights, then no brain activity
at all must be responsible.”
My Comments:
Lots of authors say, incorrectly, that there are cases of NDE
during flat EEG. These authors are a rare group
(correction added on August 29, 2009: The authors of
Irreducible Mind are a rare group) in that they report it correctly,
faithfully and in a well informed manner. That is why I claim that they
deserve respect.
Sebastian said:
“Second, a good exercise while reading IM is to imagine what the
world would look like if everything in this book was true. One would
think that if there was "something" more to consciousness, mind, and the
self than the workings of the brain, then the real world, and hence science
itself, would obviously look drastically different. For example, psi,
NDEs and apparitions would be all over the place. This, in fact, is candidly
acknowledged in chapter 4, where a lengthy rendition of such a magical world
is conveniently provided (293).”
My Comment:
I replied to Sebastian about this view in the link below:
I reproduce it again here:
That is another quite common (and naive) skeptic mistake. What
Dieguez is saying is that (moving him back in time three hundred years)
“If there really were this thing called electromagnetism, then we should
see it everywhere and every creature should benefit from it, even using
it as a sensory input resource and as a weapon against enemies.” The logic
is correct. The fatal flaw is with the “we should see it.” Electromagnetism
IS (and WAS) everywhere. The problem is that we just could not see it
then (though we saw *
using* it…). Further, very few animals use
this force in a way that can be perceived ordinarily, and strikingly, by
us (mostly creatures like the electric fish).
Then comes a bad citation, when Sebastian says “candidly acknowledged
in chapter 4 – (page 293).” Sebastian is misciting the authors. Jime
in his critique of Sebastian also noted it, but with a different emphasis,
I think. The point that I want to stress is that *
nowhere in this
passage* do the authors acknowledge it at all! Instead, they were
depicting a hypothetical world where psi and the afterlife would be really
strong, everywhere, plainly detectable by anyone anytime, just like we
notice gravitation through apples dropping. And, *
what is more important*,
they were depicting this world to show that even then (!!!) the issue of
personal survival would still
NOT BE resolved. So this is particularly
unfair of Sebastian to use this passage against the authors. It is stunning
that Sebastian understood the authors so wrong in this passage. It seems
to be highly suggestive of severe weaknesses in Sebastian’s understanding
of these not so subtle ideas…
I reproduce below this passage from
Irreducible Mind, page
In a world like this, I think it is fair
to say, a socially sanctioned conceptual framework would be almost universally
adopted within which survival of death would be more or less taken for
granted and with it the overriding importance of memory as a criterion
of personal identity. To explain the phenomena in terms of so-called "super-ESP"
would involve weaving a web so tangled that "super" would be a wholly
inadequate prefix to apply to the "ESP" required. But at the same time
the citizens of this imaginary world, at least the more philosophically
oriented ones, would be cautious about saying they had "proof" of survival.
Personal survival cannot be directly demonstrated by third-person observation,
as one might demonstrate (though with difficulty) that certain terrestrial
bacteria can survive on Mars. Nor can it be demonstrated by theory-based
logico-mathematical inference from observable phenomena to the postulated
existence of something not itself directly observable, as the existence
of dark matter can be mathematically inferred from its gravitational effects.]
Sebastian said:
“But more important, if the advice of Kelly, et al. was actually
followed, it would be interesting to know what exactly cognitive scientists
should be expected to do. Should they all become parapsycologists? The
response to this question is left unclear, especially when one considers
what is not in IM. Indeed, I have noticed that Uri Geller and Ted Serios
are not featured in this book.”… …”This is puzzling, as these gentlemen
used to perform some really astounding feats and, had they lived in Myers'
times, they surely would have been included in his writings (Myers, by the
way, was seriously duped by many people, something you won't learn in IM).
Rupert Sheldrake is not mentioned either, nor is Gary Schwartz's research
on after-death communication, and this is bizarre, since these researchers
gathered prima facie, evidence for the type of phenomena that Kelly,
et al. are defending.”… …”Also disappointing is the absence of an extensive
treatment of ectoplasmic materializations. Indeed, there was a time where
people could produce actual stuff out of nothing. Indisputably credible
authorities and reliable witnesses have supported and defended these cases.”
My Comment:
I think what the researchers are supposed to do is merely to be
well informed about these matters. That is precisely what neuroscientist
authors well informed about OBE are doing (Blanke, O. & Dieguez,
S. 2009. “Leaving body and life behind: out-of-body and near-death experience.”
– this Dieguez is precisely “our” Sebastian Dieguez). Nothing more is
needed. As to Uri Geller, Ted Serios (I do not know this one…), Gary Schwartz
and Deepak Chopra, well, maybe the authors do not trust that much these
ones… I don’t (I cannot talk about Ted Serios). So what I expect is that
the authors include only the things they trust.
would like to stress this point: Sebastian complains that one problem
in Irreducible Mind is that the reader is left wondering what he/she
should do in case he/she is a psychologist or a neurologist or a philosopher
(in his own words: Should the reader become a parapsychologist?). Surprisingly
enough, Sebastian (and Blanke et al) is ALREADY DOING what
any reader (i.e. any scientist) could possibly be supposed to do after
reading this book. So, it seems to be a typical case of the man who is complaining
that he could not see the forest because the trees were in the way...
Sebastian said:
“Therapeutic Touch, on the other hand, is deemed sufficiently
important to be courageously defend ed in a footnote against the virulent
attacks from a 9-year old skeptic named Emily Rosa (136). The author
of this footnote is apparently not happy with the simplest and fairest
study ever conducted on a pseudoscience.”
My Comment:
I will try to get informed about this case. I have seen fiasco
skeptic investigations aplenty:
If it is really a flaw from the part of the authors, I would very
much like to know it.
added on August 5th,
" simplest and fairest
study ever conducted on a pseudoscience" ... Well, apparently
it is not only the "believers" that are not happy with it. Some useful
links: the relevant page from Irreducible Mind ( here). The article by Rosa and friends
( here). A bitter critique by...
skeptics themselves, People who write to Skeptical Inquirer
! ( here and here).
My brief evaluation: I greatly doubt that it is indeed
the simplest study by skeptics. And certainly it is
far from being the fairest. And I can't help saying that never in
my whole life have I ever witnessed so much irresponsibility and disconcern
for public well being from a scientific journal as Jama displayed in this
occasion. Incidentely, one of the editors at that time in Jama was my arch
enemy Andrew Skolnick
, a man with unimaginably low moral
standards and human value in his social actions. It seems that Jama at
that time was being plagued by "journalists" who chiefly sought sensationalism
aimed arguably at selling advertisement (check out this link) "during
his (George Lundberg's) 17-year editorship, JAMA rose up to challenge
the New England Journal of Medicine and Lancet in importance while generating
millions of dollars of advertising revenues". [Special note added by me - Julio Siqueira - on September
27, 2012: I took out of my site my Holy Crusade articles against Andrew Skolnick.
Anyone interested in that, though, please contact me. email: juliocbsiqueira2012
and then @ and then gmail.com]
Anyway, since "humor" seems to be the fashion nowadays, let's
see some pictures from the "study":
The basic design of the experiment
Emily Rosa being tested (slightly nervous due to the cameras...):
I swear this above is not
our dear Emily Rosa being exorcized... - © Screen Gems 2005
L. Rosa being tested:
L. Sarner being tested (to prove that just anyone
can do it):
Definetely, a thoroughly reliable test...
Sebastian said:
“The idea is that the brain does not produce consciousness or
cognition, it merely ‘constrains, regulates, restricts, limits, and
enables or permits expression of the mind in its full generality’ (607).
This is the so-called ‘filter’ or ‘transmission’ theory of mind-brain
interaction. One is asked to believe that the brain actually gets in
the way of the mind, the latter really being something that Myers called
the Subliminal Self, a purposeful entity that lurks somewhere inside
of you and sometimes manifests itself in the form of supernormal phenomena.
Where does this ‘mind’ come from? We don't know, maybe it's turtles all
the way down.”
My Comment:
This filter theory is, somewhat, my theory too. Though I restrict
myself to consciousness. I have my wild claims too (closely related
to this very debate). They are:
materialism violates neo-darwinism
and energy conservation. More about it in the links below:
[Special note added by me - Julio Siqueira - on
September 27, 2012: I took out of my site the article Materialism is Dead
because is is, IMHO, fully covered by the follow-up article Essay on Conscious
Water. Anyone interested in that, though, please contact me. email: juliocbsiqueira2012
and then @ and then gmail.com]
Sebastian said:
“towards the end of the book the whole idea is unsurprisingly
buried under the usual quantum babble that one expects in pseudoscience
My Comment:
It is my position that, yes, we must be sort of skeptical or cautious
regarding quantum interpretations of these phenomena. But I consider
it highly counterproductive if we get dismissive about it.
Sebastian said:
…”their strategy is to convey the illusion that sheer quantity
of information somehow amounts converging significance that some kind
of "soul" must magically spring out of current gaps in knowledge.”
My Comment:
Sheer quantity of information,” if it is of good
quality, spells “
scientific replication of experimental or observational
results.” It is my faith that these authors gather high quality
information. The only way for me to support my faith is through meticulous
analysis. If someone’s faith is otherwise (contrary to mine), the burden
is the same. No one needs to refute everything. A few well analyzed points
may serve as a good source for proving that the authors are, let’s say,
highly flawed. Sebastian is, IMHO, yet to do it.
I just would like to finish saying that I think the result of
proper criticism is of high interest to all of us. No one needs to be
perfect. And if indeed Sebastian went wrong in some points, this is
part of the process. Just as it is part of the process that he, if he
sees any relevance from the contributions and critiques that he received,
implements some changes in his approach and attitude.
Best Wishes,
August 2nd, 2009